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How do materials impact indoor air quality? Webinar #4

Human-centered sustainability

Thursday 7th May 2020

12:00 – 13:00 GMT

Human-centered sustainability: How do materials impact indoor air quality? Webinar

Welcome to the first of the ‘Human-centered sustainability’ webinars, an exciting new series of online learning sessions by Green Building Encyclopaedia!

Materials specification within a building requires a 360 degree knowledge on sustainability and health issues. How can we navigate this complex arena?

In this session, we will focus on how materials, adhesives, paints and furniture upholstery specified within a building affect the air quality, and as a consequence, human health.

We will address:

  • How to specify sustainable materials that are also healthy
  • What are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and how to navigate regulations and products
  • What are the impacts of the most common materials pollutants on human health
  • How the WELL Standard and the BREEAM Standard guide you to choose appropriate materials
  • Tips on responsible sources of materials
  • Online tools, software and other resources available.

We encourage audience participation throughout and will end the session with a Q&A with your expert presenters.


Brian Murphy Director and founder at GBE

Elisa Bruno, Senior Mechanical Engineer at Arup

Host: Edith Colomba, Director of Learning at GBE


This webinar is delivered ONLINE, however, if you are busy at that time, do not fear! Sign up anyway and you will be issued a recording afterwards.


If you join this webinar live, you will be entitled to 1 CPD hour.


This webinar is relevant to both beginners and experts. Whatever your starting level, you will get a roadmap for continuing and deepening your learning on the subject.


This webinar is most relevant to:

  • Architects
  • Interior designers
  • Building product manufacturers
  • Engineers
  • Sustainability consultants
  • Students
  • Eco-curious!

Geographic applicability

UK relevant.


The price to join us on the live webinar is from £7.99.

Further learning opportunities

Please check out GBE’s Spring 2020 learning programme HERE for more opportunities regarding online / face-to-face courses, or contact us for bespoke CPDs by clicking HERE.

Looking forward to e-meeting you then!

Edith and Brian

Click here to book your place

Human-centered sustainability: How do materials impact indoor air quality? Webinar

© GBE GBC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan **
23rd January 2020 – 21st March 2021