Privacy statement
Your privacy is important to us, therefore Green Building Encyclopaedia / Green Building Encyclopaedia Learning operates by these principles:
* This website and our associated websites sometimes use cookies or other similar software to collect data about users to track their movements around our the site in order to provide a better experience and / or to assist users to automatically log in on subsequent visits.
* If you subscribe to our newsletter we will never sell or rent your email address to anyone else. You can unsubscribe at any time, as we use MailChimp.
* If you buy something from us via a card payment, we do not store financial details (credit or debit card numbers). Your private information (credit cards, financials, etc.) will not be stored by us.
* We collect and process “personal data” – as defined in the Data Protection Act 1998 in providing Green Building Encyclopaedia subscription and services. In particular, we use your Personal Information to better understand your requirements and we may occasionally inform you of new features, services and products from Green Building Encyclopaedia unless you opt-out of such notices.
* All personal data is processed by Green Building Encyclopaedia in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Part of our compliance is the registration of the purposes for which we process data with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). This is available on the Public Register of Data Controllers at
* You must be 16 years old to use our websites and/or to attend our events.
* Any “sensitive personal data” as defined in the legislation will only be processed with your explicit consent.
* Green Building Encyclopaedia has an obligation under the Act to ensure all data processed are correct and current, but we ask that you review and update your personal information.
* Data are only shared with third parties as part of our services and/or if we are required to do so by UK law. All data are subject to the UK Data Protection Act 1998 as this is where collection and storage occurs, although it may be accessed globally. We cannot accept liability for any processing conducted by third parties outside our remit.
* We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use information (not including personal information such as your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. Some of our adverts are served by Google. Google, as a third-party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on Green Building Encyclopaedia websites. Google’s use of a cookie enables it to serve ads to users based on their visit to Green Building Encyclopaedia and other sites on the Internet. Users may opt out of the use of this cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.
We also use Eventbrite for the sale of tickets.
None of the above affects your rights of access to any data we hold about you. If you wish to request a copy of these data, please email:
Please note that any such request may attract an administration fee of £10.00, payable in advance and non-refundable.
Data Protection Act Registered since 2001
- Organisation name: Brian Robert Murphy
- Reference: Z5981281
- Renewal confirmation ICO: 00012654131 24/10/2019